
Hey there! We’re Brice and Erin, two crazy 30-somethings taking the big leap, leaving our comfy life in Portland, Oregon where we were owned a condo and were both working in the finance realm, now off to travel the world.

One of our shared passions since we met back in 2005 has been traveling. We’ve been lucky enough to visit Greece, Egypt, Australia, the Galapagos, plenty of Europe and a lot of Asia during our 10+ years together.

Some people have asked us “haven’t those trips gotten rid of your travel bug?” No way. It has only increased our list of places we want to see and things we want to experience around the globe.

Rome, August 2016

Goal Destinations:

We’ve got a long list of goal destinations. We’ll be starting in Central and South America so first up includes: Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, and Patagonia (on both sides of the border!).

After that, we’d love to hop over to other continents to see South Africa, Tanzania, Israel, Turkey, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan, China, New Zealand…The list can keep going.

Where else do you think we should visit?!

Goal Activities:

To keep myself feeling accomplished while pretending to be retired, I’ve got a list of travel goals.

  • Live somewhere for at least 1 month – as neither one of us have really ever lived outside of Oregon, we think this would be a great opportunity to see what life is like elsewhere, if nothing else, just to get some other experiences. Our stint in Costa Rica will be meeting that goal but perhaps we’ll dabble in another location later on as well.
  • Read a lot of books
  • Volunteer
  • Take cooking classes
  • Learn a language – here’s to hoping my Spanish continues to improve!
  • Work at a restaurant or cafe – as a big lover of food, I’ve always wanted to work in the culinary industry. What a better time than while abroad and with plenty of free time than to try a random job.

Contact Us:

Wanna say hello? Send an email to erin@bingoabroad.com!