
See Ya Soon, Portland!

Here we are at the end of summer already! Esh. And now we are back on the road! We spent a fabulous July and August back in Portland, enjoying being in a familiar city, running boring errands like seeing the dentist, and catching up with some of our favorite people. A few summer highlights. Not… Read More See Ya Soon, Portland!

Australia, Travel

Exploring Fraser Island

One thing we kept reading about when researching the east coast of Australia was Fraser Island, a massive national park on the world’s largest sand island.  What exactly does a sand island mean? Well over 750,000 years, sand from the ocean kept accumulating in the same spot until an island was formed. It is now… Read More Exploring Fraser Island

Thailand, Travel

Chiang Mai Days

I would have thought after spending 2+ months in Chiang Mai settled in, I’d spend more time blogging, but alas, that wasn’t the case. I loaded up my days with lots of other activities and the blog took a backseat to living the days rather than just reflecting on them. Where Did We Live? Our… Read More Chiang Mai Days

Africa, Tips, Travel

Safari Tips

If you’ve read my last post, you know now how much I loved the safari we went on in Kenya. It was by far one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. And one I wasn’t expecting to have on this trip! As much as I’ve always wanted to see all the animals, given how… Read More Safari Tips

Africa, Travel

Best of The Safari

It’s been about six weeks since our safari in Kenya and I cannot stop thinking about it. Was it a dream? In some ways it feels like it might have been, because it was so incredible. Our 10-day trip in 90 seconds Top Highlights Living out Brice’s dream of having a picnic breakfast while watching… Read More Best of The Safari


2018 Recap

Why hello 2019! We’ve now been on the road for over 350 days and visited 17 countries (Brice is up to 20) on 5 continents. We’ve stayed in three cities longer than a month (San Jose, Costa Rica; London and now Chiang Mai) and I’ve now officially worked abroad. We’ve seen some of the world’s… Read More 2018 Recap